Tag Archives: The Biggest Loser

Why Weight Loss Winners Are Dying To Succeed

Why Weight Loss Winners Will Die


Over the years, I have seen many people on television shows and covers of magazines boasting the loss of hundreds of pounds so quickly. From celebrities to the reality and game show champions. Then in a matter of a few years they disappear from the limelight.  Weforget about them or they hope we will and turn our attention to the next biggest loser. 

Yet this happens for a reason and to most of those major weight loss winners.

The truth to why is a answer that is probably not the one you want to hear. The majority of them have put the weight back on just as quickly.

Not only that but a fraction of them have actually died from the shock that the sudden weight loss has done to their body’s.

My own uncle was a victim of the same fate. Quick weight loss and then even greater regain of the weight. 

My biggest fear is that this could happen to myself. I have done the same thing a couple of times. Haven’t we all.

What is even more frightening is that medical studies now show that it can be sometimes healthier to maintain the same body weight then it is to take it off at such a fast pace.

The shock of the massive yo-yo dieting and weight loss is so hard on the body it is sometimessomething that you can not come back from no matter how good you now look.

So as we celebrate the major fast and somewhat deceivingly successful weight loss stories this time of the year, please take them with a grain of salt.

Instead, take a look at at the success stories from five or more years ago and see what they are up or down to on the scale.If they have been able to maintain most of the weight loss that long, this points to success stories that you will want to emulate.

Slow and steady wins the race everyday to for true longtime health and weight loss. 


Paula Deen’s Butter Flavored Career Is Over

ImagePaula Deen’s Butter Flavored Career Is Over

Deen recently came forward revealing that she has diabetes.

Coincidentally at the same time of her new endorsement deal with a very reputable diabetic testing company.

Is this the financial reward for revealing that she has this terrible condition. Does Paula deserve the great acknowledgment for making the revelation after years of promoting butter and other fattening foods.

I don’t remember moderation ever discussed every week and now Paula has the price to pay for it.

What about all the overweight fans that have to rethink how they cook now that Paula has seen the light.

How many years of damage has Paula done to her body with those tasty recommendations?

Maybe a disclaimer or warning should have been put before each show.

How can Paula Deen be the new weight loss champion? Why should we listen to someone who was in denial for so many years while she preached questionable recipes.

Should Paula Deen have to take responsibility to her legion of supporters and fans?

It’s one thing to be a overweight person or celeb who suddenly loses weight and wants to help others.

It is quite another to totally ignore it and preach the great use of butter in ones food.

I woke up one morning overweight and diabetic. Does that make me a great spokesperson or hero for change.

I would like to hear Paula Deen apologize and admit that she was flat wrong.

Let Paula actually take responsibility for her own actions and any way that it might have negatively effected other peoples lives.

Why should we put this nice lady back on the air until she does.

Shouldn’t there be laws to protect us from bad advice? Or is it just pure entertainment at the cost of we, the overweight fans that watch her.

On a side note, I do like butter and think it does have a place in peoples diet. Just in moderation as everything else.

Paula, your a very nice person and fun to watch on the television. Just don’t preach what you knew was bad advice all these years and now expect me to applaud your admission.

I want good nutritional cooking advice from someone not making a profit from her own mistakes.

Oops, I forgot this is most of todays reality weight loss and cooking shows.

Seekers Looking For Weight Loss Doomed To Put Back Pounds On Forever

Help and Hope

I have been trying to lose weight for years. Up and down hundreds of pounds. There have been many tries and never any long term success.

At first, the thrill is like no other and I am everyones hero.

Then the weight starts to creep back on along with all the excuses that come with it.  I begin the ritual of self blame and feelings of no self worth.

I have been though this a dozen times. Up and down hundreds of pounds but who’s counting.

Now it’s January and a new year. The typical big business season for diet and weight loss groups. and products. There is always the new diet we have been waiting for or the different variation on whats already out. All offering that great new approach to take those unwanted pounds off.

I am just curious as to what happened to last years new and improved plans.

Yet even with the all these great new introductions, the only loss that I maintain is from my wallet.

There is no medical cure known to date and the country is getting heavier ever day. In fact, it is spreading to other nations faster then any war in history.

So is it my fault? Am I just weak and worthless. Where is that cure I was promised. These weight loss companies are supposedly there to help me. I know that I visit them all many times. Yet each costing me more and more.  It’s like that bad friend or relative that you know is going to have their hand out each time you see them.  Almost every person struggling with taking off the pounds usually returns to those same companies year after year. With record profits and a unbelievable number of newly minted obese, what is going on.

Could obesity be the great new business. The one in which long term weight loss equals a massive business failure.

Take a look at the owner of the famous ‘Heart Attack Grill’ restaurant in Las Vegas. He actually used to own part of a weight loss franchise. He is not a bad guy but woke up one morning and made a very different decision in his approach to the battle of the bulge.

While shooting ‘Finding Thin’, I was lucky enough to have met him and and many other fine scholars and celebrities. I was hoping they would have the answers and I did find some. Many in places you would not expect.

So if spending thousands on weight loss, there must be a group of people out there not seeking profits. It can’t only about be about the books, games shows, and weight loss products?

There is still hope out there. I just no longer agree to pay for it. There is a way to perceiver.

I know we all can.

So I suggest the goal for this year should be to profit on our own weight loss and successes whatever they may be.

Lets take off those pounds in a way that makes sense and does not take us for anymore money.

Surely there must be weight loss methods that don’t cost a fortune. If it doesn’t cost much to gain weight, then there must be a way to take take it off for just as little.


The Weight Loss Journey Comes To A Close, A New Chapter Begins

The Weight Loss Journey Comes To A Close A New Chapter Begins

I have traveled over half the country in search of losing weight. Had the chance to meet over three hundred experts and celebrities during shooting the upcoming film ‘Finding Thin’. I started at one weight and ended up gaining more while trying some of the new diets that might have that magic bullet. This was not what was supposed to happen. Yet my mission was to set out to save the world. That was until I found out that I needed to save myself first, then I could figure out the rest. The funny thing is that it took until that last few miles when I moved out to L.A. to really have it kick in. This was my last destination on the journey and a place that I was to call home.
The last year had many changes in my life. I had lost two of my beloved pets, a very close friend who turned out to be a wolf in a sheep cloths and most importantly… myself.
Then it began to change. I suddenly began to find myself. No longer did I find the need for emotional eating. Of course that brought many challenges. Yet I never stopped and was able to continue on and grow the movie to the finest state it has ever been in as well as myself personally.
We have some of the finest names and I don’t know where to begin thanking people.
Do I start with Jillian Michaels who really opened the door for us and showed me that we don’t always have to be victims. Or was it Dr. Michael Roizen over at The ‘Cleveland Clinic’ who showed me that I don’t need to feel so old and can reverse the process. He also introduced me to the mighty ‘Health Corps’ created by the efforts of Dr. Oz and ran by the lovely Michelle Bouchard. Then of course there was Bob Harper of ‘The Biggest Loser’ who was so real and made me laugh so hard. Then there was Tony Horton of ‘P90X’, not only the strongest guy for his young age but I am not sure he ever takes a breath. He is that good.. Then I begin to think of David Wallace of ‘Weight Watchers’ who helped get me back on track’. Of course I cant forget the king of comedy George Wallace or the wit and heart of actress Carlease Burke. There are just so many great people that have changed my life and contributed to making this movie that that much more. I have enough material to make three films. There are just so many names to thank. I just hope they help to bring the change and hope to your life as they have to mine. This has been the greatest honer and chance that I could have ever been given. Far from what I ever had hoped for. Beating my wildest dreams.
As I settle in now for the final phase of the movie and make my new home in L.A., I will be writing more frequently. Not to push the film, which I hope you will see, but to be there for you with new thoughts and stories form the battles lines each and every day. Have hope for this is a journey we take together.

Be Well

Barry Roskin Blake
Finding Thin